Sunday, May 09, 2010

What I Could Never Say

last night Noah
i dreamt of you

me and you,
walking through a museum
at closing time

then we were riding in a car
me up front, you
in the

i was laughing
something you must've said

i looked behind me
you were laughing, too

the sun was in my eyes
it shone on your hair
we were happy
we were all fine

but through the window behind you
i could see
something coming for us
heavy, and black
gathering on the horizon


i reached out to you,
tried to save you.

only, it was too late.
too little. far too late.

i looked away.
i braced for impact.

a fantastic collision
and you, covered in blood

me, powerless

i knew deep down,
that i was responsible

i held you, then
though we were both broken

my guilt
saturated every fibre of my being
weighed me down

it took what was left of the life

you looked up at me
your eyes were so blue
and you never saw it coming

but i did.
we all did.

i understood then
that she was the danger
the collision was her.
it was always her

and i never had a chance
of saving you.

1 comment:

  1. Photo is, "Young Bird, Old Hands," by KOHL THRELKELD. Check his photojournalistic blog @


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