Tuesday, January 19, 2010

From Where i Sit

6 macbooks open:
people connecting
global world growing, spinning fast
fast as the connection allows

12 brown glass bottles:
root beer soldiers
waiting to be warmed by a hand
 and silent

16 chess pieces:
the white and the black
one old Middle Eastern man
one old life-worn homeless man
no discourse on life, please
 the checking of mates

2 women chatting:
the readhead and the one who isn't sure
playing catch-up
a hand placed on an arm
quiet laughter 

1 camera sitting:
it could capture it all
but it would never see
the relation between them


am i getting closer


1 dog sitting:
obediently on a chair

2 dishes shattered:
a cup and saucer previously whole
it's ok
we don't cry over spilt milk here

check~mate my friend

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Pratique Avec Les éléments

Were all the Trees to begin uprooting
and walking toward me
with strides both even and measured
I could be no more aware
of the movement of
the Earth
beneath me

Should the Clouds hovering over my head
bend low
arching their backs to 
twine one of my curls around their fingers
or to rest a heavy hand upon my head
I could be no more aware
of the weight of 
the Sky
above me

If the Wind should kiss my cheeks
and caress my face 
with the soft and sure hands of a lover
I could be no more aware 
of the transience of 
the Wind 
around me


and aware

and sure

and receiving

and alive

and still

and light


bringing breath into the bowl of my belly
violent pink and gold over the horizon

wind moving through trees
exhale of intention

inhaling the new air of a new day
mistakes, regret and self-abuse from yesterday
are fortunately already the past

the present is stealing over the line of the ridge
shimmering and warm

i will grasp it
and bring it, too, into the bowl of my belly

it will radiate out from me
on the thousands of exhales through today

i will pass it along

shoulders roll down like water
soft and sure

forehead to floor in gratitude
palms to heart center

yes, remember your center
it is steady
a metronome

my metronome counts out the song of the day
i will sing it with mouth wide open
and smile from my center

Sunday, January 10, 2010

For Rebecca

i will fill my belly
with the fortification
of the women who have gone before me

i will drink deeply the nourishment to sustain
through the travail i am privileged
to partake of

i will feel the warmth
of this strengthening broth
spreading down through the sinews
of my legs
and out to the tips of my toenails

i will feel it spreading upward
a pink and golden light
encircling my ribs
pumping through my heart

i will exhale it on my breath

it will surge upward to my head
roaring through my ears
like the pounding of a heartbeat
or the rush of blood
every hair follicle will be alive
with electrical importance

it will encode itself in my brain
reawakening the memories
of my sisters who have gone before me

bones and marrow and muscle will liquefy
in the intensity of the heat
they will be added to the broth
my sweat and tears will salt it
my voice will join the chorus
of female voices ringing down the mountain
a maid will lie down with Death
and rise up with the crown of creation
on her brow
Sorrow will be her companion
for only a short season

God will see her

a woman will give birth to a mother


Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Jacob's Brother and the King

i am hearing you, sir
but your words rush past my ears
like the breeze

they flow over my head
like the icy creek waters
rushing over smooth stones

the theories upon which
you expound
disorient me and,

i find myself squinting
as though suddenly blinded by the sun
(that i only just recognized
by quickly turning)

i wonder at the principles
behind your newly formed theories
i study the set of your jaw

your words escape me

but that is truly, alright, by me

Friday, January 01, 2010

Autorisation D'écriture

they cant all be
good words

some must be
jagged and irregular

some must sting
and burn

others will be heavy
but will secretly dream of weightlessness 

there must be words
that die at birth

gasping for air

giving up the ghost
to words more eloquent

and there will be those 

the ones that huddle together
for warmth and comfort

they smile
but it falters

they are frayed about the edges

some of them
fit like old jeans

broken-in and
pleasantly destructed

but wholly unsuitable
for appearances in respectable society

so no, darling, they cant 
be good