Monday, June 28, 2010

The "Au Revoir Facebook" Experiment

I'm at that place.
The one between too connected and out of touch.

And so, an without "social networking."

In one week, I'm heading back to the Dark Ages of stationary and pens, telephone calls, and email.
I've enjoyed how easy FB made it to spy on those people that ordinarily, I would know next to nothing about. It's been neat, meeting new folks, and getting to know acquaintances a little better.

But I've noticed, that no matter how many times we may "comment" on the same thing, or "like" the same thing, when we meet face to face, we're unsure of how to proceed. We don't know where we stand with one another, because online intimacy makes for awkward social situations.
FB and the sites like it, MySpace, Twitter, even blogs - all explore (while some exploit) the innate human need to be known.

I believe that I would rather know a few people intimately, than many people only barely.

So I'm betting that I can fill my life with things more meaningful, when I give up trying to sum up a moment, feeling, or event into a one-line status.
I've come to a place where I see our connections dwindling, as we become increasingly more connected.
Privacy has become passe.

I hypothesize that when I delete my account, the people that want to get to know me better will call, or email.
I further theorize that I too, will seek out those people that resonate with me. I will have to reach out to touch someone, instead of logging on...

Relationships will be more meaningful for the special effort of contact on both parts. Shared photos will be more appreciated, because I will not be inundated with them, nor will I inundate others with them. Pithy comments will be funnier, because when I think of one, I'll pick up the phone to share it with you.
I miss the warmth of human voices, directed to me and not the universe of the people you know.

The sending and receiving letters is a dying art form. There's something about knowing that someone sat down, thought of you, and put pen to paper in honor of a conversation with you.

I happily bet that this experiment is going to be a resounding success.

Feel free to email, spy on my blog (I know, I know...that one's next), call, or better yet,

write me a letter.

Laura K. Moore

Monday, June 14, 2010

Even So, She Hates me

 once, guy, sick, parade, television, landlord, moonbeam, success, anatomy, kicking, real, pilgrim 

you thought once, mother
that i'd end up with some French guy.
you'd be sick in the States, and i'd be overseas, happily ignorant.
you thought i'd throw a parade to be free from you - and i did, in my own way.
he and i, we'd have no television, just books
and no landlord, just a cottage we'd fix up
we'd collect moonbeams, planting them in our garden.
we would celebrate our success without you, the sky would be the limit
we'd discuss anatomy and other taboo topics, 
after he'd felt the bebe kicking
but not to be. not to be. for this is what's real:
your daughter is neither pilgrim nor prodigal, but every bit as disappointing.

i Am Weary, Let me Rest

rest, awhile, simple, accomplishment, forever, idiot, nemesis, shadenfreude, stupidly, sense, past, together


to have sweet rest!
to lounge awhile, 
reveling in the simplest breath,
the lack of accomplishment
instead, we grind away forever
Human tool! Dolt, and idiot!
Your understanding is your nemesis!
You cling to your shadenfreude- like Lenny,
stupidly clinging to his dead mouse

Where is your sense?
Your past will continue to replay, as a grainy and silent film
for you labor alone, when
another could share your burden, and then you rest, together.

Socialisme Glorieux!

schadenfreude caligula arcipelago gulag heads together ruefully looks otis charm lost snuffing

To the dark and vainglorious days of democracy!

schadenfreude most requisite
for Caligula's prosperity
in the taking of land and sea, arcipelago and plain
the Gulag, too, lovingly represses, its long arms reaching
Come on lads, heads down, mediocrity awaits!
join together, noses to grindstones
neither ruefully nor with sadness
for a pillar of sweat and salt, will be the man with backward looks.
our comrade Otis leads the way,
and charm is neither sold or spared
in the snuffing of individuality





Envie d'Ailes

i stood on a CLIFF 

and wished with all of my heart
for WINGS  


Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Remembered, Hawaii

i remembered this morning,
cracking open beers
for heavy Samoan body guards
and arranging poi on a platter
while they razzed me like a little sister
for looking so Hawaiian
and being so Southern.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Deja Vu, Again


write this down,
she told me.

i will,
i whispered.

but i did not.
i thought i would remember-
thought i could carry the words
in my heart
back into my waking

but i forgot them.
as soon as they were out of her mouth,
i forgot them.

so i left them suspended there
in my dream, 
those very important words
like paper cranes

if i could sleep that dream again
i would pay closer attention
i would capture those words
like fireflies in a jar

Still Looking

to feel a longing
for a place one has never been
to yearn for 
the chilly spray of the sea
on my face

ears keen 
for the angry crashing of waves 
breaking over dark shingle below

to pull tighter my knit sweater
around hunched shoulders
i have the need
to stand on the rolling heath
of a rocky crag
wild, foreign wind 
tossing my hair

where are you?

The Early Birdie

dawn breaks, grey and still
the sky fades from inky black
to violet to lavender: 
a divine gradient
no brush could capture

crystalline drops of water
hang suspended from green leaves
mist rolls over the mountain
the sun rises languidly
like the steam from my teacup