Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Happiness Challenge, Day One

Volunteering at Crabtree Farms made be sublimely happy today. Slogging home with soaking trousers, uber-muddy wellies, soaked hubby, bug bites, aching muscles, scratches, covered in strawberry goo, grinning at each other like dummies, because we were so tired...the feeling of doing Real Work with hands in the Earth. It was very restorative. (I kept thinking of Pearl S. Buck.)
Then making yummy organic pasta with asparagus and mushrooms in our semi-tidy house while the rain fell... Yup. Pretty much in my blissful element.

the sun, hide and seek in the clouds;
the buzz and hum of bees and gnats,
each and all clamoring to tell me their stories;
frogs singing in jazzy, raspy voices the Pond Blues;
blades of polite Buckwheat bowing to each other,
and whispering together;
hunting for strawberries like Easter eggs;
peas on vine, pale and plump,
dangling like earrings.

dirt, hay, basil and rain mingle as a perfume: Eau d'Eden

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