i was born among mirrors,
eyes closed
screaming into the face of the world
screaming at myself, first
and as i grew
i learned
i learned
that to truly see myself,
(not through the dark glass
not in the reverse)
i must keep my eyes closed tightly
feeling my way through the world with fingertips
everything that i touched was cold
the world was without form, and void
the world was without form, and void
i had no concept of dimension
until one day
the brilliance of the sun
lit up my closed lids
and i turned my face toward the light
the sudden warmth,
the glow
made me grieve for all that i had missed
with my shut eyes
i swung out my fist in anger,
that the light was so long denied me
that i had denied myself
that i had denied myself
the mirrors around me shattered
into a thousand shrieking shards
but it was finally safe to open my eyes
and i see myself more clearly
these days
these days
in those imperfect, fragments of mirror
than i ever could have
in the whole ones
in the whole ones
Photograph, "Reflections (A)" by Camil Tulcan.