Yesterday was a quirky day. Even though it was the start of my first night of three to work.
We woke up early, and tidied the basement and the back patio. We loaded up all the recycling (it's incredible how much crap two people amass over the course of two weeks), and I even made up a few boxes of gently used goodies for the thrift store...I was feeling uber-productive.
Then the bottom fell out.
It rained sheets, cats, dogs, and men. (Not any good ones, though.)
So much for all my uber-productivity getting stuff done before work...
And like any mature human who is faced with a change of plans out of one's control, I pouted furiously. I think I glared at every rain drop that hit my windows.
And I love a good rainy day. Just not when it interferes with all the stuff I have to get done before work.
After a good ten minute pout-fest, I got glad in my mad spot and cuddled with my hubby and dog-babies on our comfy couch, and we watched the rain. That was nice.
Meanwhile, on the other side of our house, our sun room was quietly flooding.
That was exciting. But, the upshot of the flooded sun room was the discovery of the cutest nest of baby birds in the eaves off our sun room! They were so cute, and so pissed to see us! They fluffed up and chewed us out, it was precious! We left them alone, threw down some towels and beat it back to the couch.
When the rain stopped, we headed out and got a few errands done.
It was nice to spend a little time with my best friend before work. And I kinda think that was the lesson of the day. To sit, and chill. Be present.
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