Is it possible? Could I be (*gasp!*)
Yesterday morning, I was putting together a buckwheat pancake mix for hubby and myself, when I was seized by a sneezing fit.
Being prone to the occasional sneeze, I did not worry until after the fifth sneeze. Three is my usual max.
Another six sneezes later, I was annoyed. My annoyance was compounded by the fact that I was inclined to chase Leila through the house, since she had just nabbed a perfect blueberry buckwheat pancake, and was very generously distributing it all over my house.
So there I was: running and sneezing, spatula in hand, apron flapping, like some sort of doofus.
Having successfully cornered the pirate dog, and retrieved my pancake (for the trash, not to eat!) I gingerly sniffed the air. Yup. I was definitely burning something.
I raced back to the kitchen to find a forgotten pancake cemented to the pan, smoke clouding the kitchen.
I began to choke, and gag. I started to wheeze. Loudly.
My pulse rate climbed, and my breathing became rapid and shallow. In short, I was freaking out.
Thirty minutes went by and I was still wheezing. I began to wonder: had I developed asthma? Or did I have some sort of allergy?
It wasn't till later, after hubby wrapped me in a blanket, stuck a lime mineral water in my hand, and deposited me on the sofa (with the almighty remote control) that I decided it was definitely a cooking allergy. Or at least a pancake-cooking allergy. And he couldn't deny it. He was a witness. So unfortunately, all subsequent future pancake breakfasts will be made by hubby.
I played the pitiful princess the rest of the day. Hubby finished cooking breakfast and cleaned the kitchen.
This is definitely one "allergy" I can adjust to....